Saturday, December 19, 2009

Diana Finch Literary Agency

Thank you for the query, although I do not think that I would be the right agent for this particular project.


Diana Finch
Diana Finch Literary Agency
116 West 23rd St, Suite 500
New York, NY 10011

Friday, December 11, 2009

Browne & Miller Literary Associates

Dear Author:

Thank you for querying Browne & Miller Literary Associates about your book project.

We have carefully evaluated your materials and regrettably, your project is not a right fit for our agency. We currently have a very full clientele and must be highly selective about the new projects we pursue.

Thank you again for thinking of us. Please know that we wish you much success in all of your writing and publishing endeavors.

Sincerely yours,

Browne & Miller Literary Associates

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Kitsune Books

Sorry, we are closed to submissions until further notice.

Lynn Holschuh, Acquisitions
Kitsune Books

Friday, December 4, 2009

May Davenport

Regret, we have enough literature for children/young adults printed overseas and now being reprinted in COMIC TALES Easy Reader #3. .. 30 fine, past writers who had to handle TV-oriented youthful students in their classrooms. Reprinting the same stories plus new authors— Poems, prose...humorously written, may motivate digital tv-orient ed students still in schools to enjoy "print." ,Your writing is for a mature audience; College bound teens . The multicultural audience in schools today needs to laugh and to learn English, too. Good luck elsewhere.

May Davenport, Editor-Publisher.